Keep Calm and Build On
January 5th, 2022 | by codyallenWhy is Building a home Difficult?
Building a home doesn’t have to be a complex adventure. But somehow many people find it to be a horrifying experience! One of the biggest problems is…
Think about this… You have hired a builder. He gives you a date when you can move in. You sell the house you are living in and move into a rental suite while your house is being built. You calculate your finances based on that date. You contact SaskEnergy and SaskPower to apply for hook up on the date you are moving in. You contact Sasktel saying this is when you need internet. You even take time off work two weeks before the move in date, just so you can pack and unpack.
And then you find out that your NEW HOME IS NOT READY…
Ok… There’s been a day or two delay because of weather. And this does cause some delays. But other than acts of God, there is no reason for you to not be in your New Home by the completion date. The reason the setbacks have occurred is because of a…
Yes, building a home is a monumental logistic marathon. It’s about regulating people and managing product. Your builder has to go from coordinating the excavation, to getting concrete, to the framing, to the roofers, plumbers, electricians, drywallers, to lining up flooring products/installers, to painters to countless other trades. This all at the same time he’s managing these trades… He has to… MANAGE YOU!
In the course of the building process you will be required to make a lot of decisions.
For example, the plumbers are ready to come in and do the rough plumbing. Our plumber needs to know what style of shower/bath taps you will be using. Each brand of taps has a different housing that is required before the waterproof membrane is installed at the drywall stage. The last thing that you want is to be running around the city looking for taps while the plumber is standing there waiting for you. These things need to be planned out weeks before the plumber shows up.
Managing this takes expertise and skill. Just because a builder is good at swinging a hammer doesn’t mean he’s good at being a manager. Its vital for you to ask what your builder uses to keep himself and your new house…
If he’s full of a whole bunch of hope and good intentions to get you your dream home by his expected completion date, there will be no chance of you moving in on that date!!
You want a builder who has a scheduling software and who can adjust the scheduling software; Something that is cloud-based (online) that handles the entire process including communication with trades and venders.
If your builder is not using a schedule and management program like this, you risk mistakes, confusions and major catastrophes in completion dates, costing you time, and more importantly, money.
Contegrity Contracting goes a step above the average builder and uses an online project management system that not only has a schedule, which we can adjust as the construction process progresses, but also keeps track of your budget, all your selections (like flooring, tile, cabinets, exterior finishes, lighting etc..), communicates with our venders and trades. It also stores files, documents, plans and the contract. At the end of everyday we take a minimum of 5 pictures, loading them up into our online system, just so you can see your progress.
It’s all there – all transparent and organized for everyone to see, making your experience with us one you can trust, stress free and all on budget and on schedule.
If you’d like to hear more about this and see a demo of our Online System, you can contact us here.
You can also see a video of our online system on our website here.